
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kids Enjoy Chinese Cultural Fair in Anchorage

Yesterday afternoon I invited the daughters of friends to go to the Chinese Fair at UAA put on by the Confucius Institute. In the end, their parents came too. I was a little underwhelmed after the quality of Thursday night's performance. But even though the Student Union hadn't been transformed visually into a Chinese village fair, it turned out that the activities were good ones that got the kids and the adults involved.

Each table had some aspect of Chinese culture. This one was called Chinese toys and this was a game where you had to use chopsticks to move tiny beans from cup to cup.

This kid was really getting into the chance to learn some Chinese calligraphy. You can see the character for river (the three vertical lines) and below the character for mountain.

There was also origami - I didn't think to ask about the Chinese claim to what I thought was a Japanese artform.

There were also people who would write people's names on these tags using Chinese characters.

I was hoping to add something about Confucius Institutes in general but if I'm going to get this up, I'll have to leave that part for later. They are sponsored by the Chinese government through the Ministry of Education and they are a way for China to promote Chinese language and culture. There has been some criticism that this is a means of Chinese propaganda and even espionage. But I think the same claims can and have been made for Western organizations that do the same thing. One particular issue with universities is the extent to which the funding agreements give control to the Chinese over curriculum of regular university classes on language and China. One way universities have dealt with this is not by having the CI within academic units - such as the language department or other departments which might cover aspects of Chinese politics, history, etc. in their courses. My understanding of how this works at UAA is that the CI is NOT housed in an academic department, such as Languages, but separately with International Programs which has taken the place of the old American Russian Center.

The benefits, if this works out as hoped, will be extra resources to improve opportunities to study Chinese language in the Anchorage School System and the university and help for the business community that want to tap Chinese markets and resources. If this is going to be more than a symbolic presence, I suspect there will need to be more resources and a clearer focus on a few things that can be done well.

That's actually the gist of what I had to say. Perhaps I'll get up a post with more details another time.


  1. If the kids in Anchorage liked learning a bit of Mandarin, which is terrific, you should have a look at the Culture Cubs DVDs. They're on Amazon and there are clips on Youtube you can watch. They're available for schools or for use at home. They have a web site where you can order them Good luck!

  2. Here's why I'm leaving Anon's comment up, while I've deleted other comments that would have linked readers to commercial sites. Two I recently deleted first:

    1. On a post about a huge furniture store near Chiang Mai, that included a lot of old stuff from India, someone from India posted a link to a furniture store in India. The words were not related to the post and the site was about modern European furniture sold in India. It really just found a post about furniture and linked to their own totally unrelated furniture site.

    2. On a post about spammers, someone again said nothing relevant about the post and put up a link to computer templates. Totally irrelevant.

    But this one noticed a couple of pictures that involved kids learning Mandarin Chinese and wrote a comment that wasn't simply generic bs and then linked to a site that is for children 2-8 to learn Mandarin. I'm not sure how good the Chinese lessons are, and it's a commercial site, but it could be directly of interest to people reading this post. So I'm leaving it.

  3. I left the previous post up, but here's another that I've deleted, but I'll put here, so you can see it, without the link.

    Jessica has left a new comment on your post "Kids Enjoy Chinese Cultural Fair in Anchorage":

    Great blog, I saw this site with some useful info on Kids Furniture. Hope it helps.

    Posted by Jessica to What Do I know? at Tue Sep 29, 10:08:00 PM AKDT

    Typical of these comments, it starts out with a flattering, but empty, comment about the blog, then leaves a link to a site she 'saw.' Yeah right and she thought people who saw this post would love the furniture. Good try. The only relationship is that this is about kids and she's got a link about kids' furniture.

  4. Thank you for leaving the one commment. I've been looking for various resources to teach my daughter Mandarin and there are not too many options for kids under 5yo. :O)

    Mama to an Asian Princess


Comments will be reviewed, not for content (except ads), but for style. Comments with personal insults, rambling tirades, and significant repetition will be deleted. Ads disguised as comments, unless closely related to the post and of value to readers (my call) will be deleted. Click here to learn to put links in your comment.