
Monday, April 27, 2009

IPS - Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, Canada

I've still got a couple more interviews and other video from the Indigenous Peoples Global Summit on Climate Change (click link for all the posts on the summit). I also have more observations after four days at the summit. This video was done Friday. Eriel was one of the youth representatives and had just been interviewed by an AP reporter and was upset because she felt the AP reporter had gotten her to say more than she should have. I'll have more to write about that topic - I saw that same AP reporter again soon after at the press conference, which I reported on here. She's identified in the rough transcripts as Mary. In any case, I mention that because Eriel was a little distracted when we did this quick video. But I think the content is important for Alaskans and others to hear.

[UPDATE Feb 12, 2012: Note today's comment from Maz - He's just finished mixing "Elemental" a movie that will get Eriel's message wider attention.]


  1. Eriel ---I watched the video.
    She impressed me. She is very articulate, very sincere, very genuine. I don't know what was put in any AP hard copy, but Eriel comes across in the video very well.
    To make the most impact, add some color photographs to illustrate what she is saying, some visuals.(put it up on your SITE/ WWW)
    Have her send you some photos, do an another piece
    Thank you for informing me of what she is trying to tell the world.
    She needs to reach as wide an audience as possible. I want to hear more of what Eriel has to say, but as important I want more in the world to hear what she has to say.
    Plus, most of North America does not even need the petro that is extracted (in a wasteful expensive damaging method)from the tar sands.
    A giant field was recently discovered in the Marcellus shale sands---where, in New York and stretching 500 miles South West, it is a giant hydrocabon fiedd near the big East Coast markets and near Chicago.
    It will put the tar sands out of business.
    It would be senseless for any more wanton destruction. Google the Marcellus Shale...
    Really, all the pipelines of TransCanadian Pipeline are now in question, their economic premise highly disputable.
    The Canadian banks would be foolish to sink more billions into the tar sands, it is a pipe dream, predicated on a fools errand.
    I urge you all to see the changes coming in the hydrocarbon business, and don't be caught behind any curve balls.
    Eriel, tell her thank you, and we support her, and we are growing in numbers, and we want her story to reach all in North America.
    Oh, I may hasten to add, the pimpe dream of Palin is now a total nothing, it would be zeroed out, Look up on googles the Marcellus shale, it should open your eyes.
    You may want to alert all in Alaska to that,
    before they develop tunnel vision.
    Hank would be on top of all this, I hope you are too, and your readers.

  2. ระวังไข้หวัดหมูนะครับ / Duck

  3. Impressive! She sure knows what she's talking about and makes it sound very realistic, no sugar coating or lies. I very much like people like her, someone who is not afraid to stand up to something that is obviously not right. Plus, she's a great speaker as well. Thanks for sharing the video,


  4. I am can not comment on your blog

  5. Ped, both your comments got posted as you can see.

    Ped was my boss in Thailand. Ped is his nickname and it means 'duck'. I couldn't figure out what the message meant. It says "Be careful not get sick pig." But my wife got it immediately, "Be careful of swine flu."

    To the others, yes, Eriel is very articulate and knows the facts. She could have talked another hour, but you get the picture. Here's more information on her.

  6. Please convey to Eriel we would like to see her comments on utube to a wider audience, and for her message to reach all of North America, and thank her for her courage to speak out.

  7. Our Seattle NPR affiliate has had a number of reports on the destructive aspects of the tar sands. We need to keep spreading the word on this. It is so important for the world to know how we are still destroying our environment.

  8. Her message will get out to a broader audience. I just finished mixing the documentary "Elemental", soon to be released.

  9. Maz, I hope the people making the film consider sending it to the Anchorage [NOT Alaska] International Film Festival which will be in December. I'm glad they were able to give Eriel and the others a bigger platform. Thanks for letting me know.


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