
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Acting Mayor Matt Claman Takes the Oath

On a beautiful, but nippy morning (our outdoor thermometer said -16˚F (-26˚C), I drove (yeah, I know, too wimpy to ride my bike) downtown to see the transition in Municipal leadership as Mayor Begich resigned so he can be sworn in Tuesday as our new US Senator and Assembly Chair Matt Claman stepped up to become our Acting Mayor.


  1. Boyish turns Bland. Does this guy have a shred of originality in him? He looks to be as exciting as sheet rock.

  2. Well, Budapest's main mayor has been in office since 1990.

  3. Anon, you wouldn't happen to be a certain blogger who's been infatuated by the former mayor would you? Sheet rock may be boring, but it serves its function pretty well.

    Ropi, our mayor may only serve two consecutive terms of three years. The next mayoral election is in April and Mark would not have been able to run again.


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