
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bear With Me

For those of you who drop by often, I'm working on a bunch of things. Some are posts - trying to say something useful about the FBI whistle blower complaint document. I also got a copy of the charter agreement negotiated when BP bought ARCO which I want to post. And since the post early January last year on Famous People Born in 1908 was so popular, I thought I'd do one on people born 1909, so I'm working on that too. Only this time I want to give a little info on each person on the list.

Plus we're getting ready to leave for Thailand for several months which requires a few preparations. Probably the most important is for J to get totally well from her cough. It's getting better, but she's not yet 100%. We have been trying to straighten things out so there is room for the house sitters.

So please bear with me. Now's a good time to check out an old post, or pick a tag on the lower right. If you've never read the main Victor Lebow post - it seems to be the consistently most popular and has the most comments - check it out. It stemmed from my seeing the internet video Story of Stuff which I see now isn't linked in that post. This post is the original comment on Story of Stuff and links to the video which got me started on Lebow. Other posts rise and fall in popularity, but the Lebow post continues to generate a steady stream of hits.

Or go play with your kids, hug your spouse, walk your dog, take a break from the screen.

And while I'm just chatting with readers in general, some of you out there drop by on a regular basis. I see some familiar profiles when I check sitemeter. So if you come here more than three times a week and you've never said 'hi,' leave a comment. Or, if you're shy you can send an email.
(There's also an email link in my profile)

Folks at a certain hotel in San Francisco for example. Who are you?

And, one more thing I learned today while working on the whistle-blower post - how to do bullets with subheadings in html. Blogspot lets you use bulleted lists, but I couldn't figure out how to make it create subheadings. It's pretty simple to just do it in HTML. You can start using the list button on the Compose toolboard in Blogspot. Then go into the edit Html tab and you can cut and paste in the black tea and green tea examples. And you can do it again for subheadings for those. Then just type in what you want over the tea examples. (It none of that makes sense, probably you should do without subheadings in your lists.)


  1. Well, FBI reminds me to a dispute in Hungary. One of the conditions for Hungary to be exempt from visa to the US was that the Hungarian police should give some informations about citizens to the US. So there were arguments about that but finally the government accepted it. I see the logic of the US in that case but as a Hungarian, I agree with the Hungarian President (not the head of the government) who was against it. As one of the politicians said here: we shouldn't "lick the foot" of the US.
    *lick the foot is a Hungarian expression which expresses obedience but in a bit harsher way.

  2. Well, yes I was the youngest and there were more females. I think you slightly overrate it. I didn't feel any special. I just had fun. :) Or maybe it is too hard to make me too enthusiastic.

  3. Ropi, many of us here feel the US has gotten far too invasive regarding travel. There is a balance between security and personal freedom. We only have their word that this level is necessary. Or maybe it is an excuse to invade people's privacy.

    For other readers, Ropi's second comment is in response to questions I asked on his blog about his going to a "tall party" and how that felt. He's 6'4" or more.


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