
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Race Matters II

From Elstun over at Celtic Diva

Barack Obama is winning over swing voters because of what is called his "temperament". It turns out that his coolness, calmness and steadiness is just what voters are looking for and those qualities stand in great contrast to the "erratic" and fuming McCain-Palin campaign.
Because of the racism in the United States, Barrack Obama, like every African-American male who wanted to succeed, has learned how to control his anger, to swallow his outrage, and to respond with coolness. Angry black men had to transform their anger into some other socially acceptable manifestation - humor, the blues and gospel, slam dunks, knock out punches, or verbal virtuosity. While open anger no longer results in lynching, it can still cause serious damage to the person who expresses it in the wrong situation.

Obama, because of the color of his skin, had to learn to turn his anger into calm, articulate phrases.


  1. "Obama, because of the color of his skin, had to learn to turn his anger into calm, articulate phrases."

    Many of us-- not you, I speak for myself, can learn from his example.

  2. Don't exclude me. I certainly would have learned a lot more the other day if I hadn't lost it when the Yes on Prop 8 people came by.

  3. Seem to have mis-posted just now, so I'll mention that Gene and I mailed our ballots from London on Monday (with delivery receipt). There are now two votes to counter some traveling religocons somewhere in the world!

    We did our patriotic bit and it felt good.


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