
Monday, September 15, 2008

Blogger Bait and Switch

Phil at Progressive Alaska invited several Alaska bloggers to dinner with founder David Talbot. Phil lives out in the Matsu Valley on the outskirts of Wasilla so we carpooled out there. When we got there Phil's summer of fishing was evident with various salmon options. But it turned out that Talbot had overbooked himself and wasn't there.

Instead of Talbot there was a British television film crew here working on Palin stuff. So through the evening each of us got interviewed as was our passionate discussion. One topic that dominated the end of the discussion was on Palin's record on dealing with Alaska's top of the charts incidence of violence and sexual assault against women.

Celtic Diva already has a post up on the evening so I'll just put up pictures and link you to her site.
[Update: Monday afternoon: And Mudflats has also done a good post on last night.]


  1. What a group. I am amazed at the way the internet has become a sharing/learning/teaching/community tool. Even in Alaska where some of us power our laptops with generators. Especially in Alaska, where we expect extremes. Thanks for the update. Wish I could have been there.

  2. Wish you could have been there, too, Theresa! And Maia and Ish!

  3. I echo Phil's sentiments. Blogging means coming to terms with our limitations. I can't read every blog, talk to every blogger. But I want to.

    I've struggled over what blogs I have on the Alaska blog list. I'm caught between highlighting a few that I regularly read and a lot that I should read more and are also important. Some I figure everyone already knows so no need to put them up. (Some like Progressive Alaksa fit in that category, but I did put it up during its first week (maybe day) so it gets to stay.)

    It was also interesting when the UK journalists asked whether the bloggers get together all the time. Really, it's mostly if we see each other at events - like the trials, or the conventions, etc. Otherwise, I hardly ever see the other bloggers, except cyberly. Or when Phil takes the initiative to invite us over.


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