
Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin's Speech Made Biden's Speech Look Lame

As an Alaskan, I couldn't help but feel good about our Governor's speech accepting the vice presidential nomination. Well, she's only been announced. The nomination comes next week. But she was pure Palin. For those who are wondering, this is real. She's poised, comfortable, and speaks honestly. It was a real contrast to the older man standing next to her with the shit-eating grin on his face.

Palin has become a strong, confident speaker. Her nomination and, even more, her speech will is going to totally change this election. The Republicans did a great job of pointing out all her best points.

The Obama people better be careful when they attack Palin. I'm in a household here in Portland that's got Fox News on. They reported that the Obama people said Palin was in the pocket of big oil. If that's their research, they're in big trouble. She is clearly NOT in the pocket of big oil. But, as I said, I'm getting my news from Fox, so I have no idea if the Obama people really said that.

I did notice that when McCain introduced her and said that she'd stood up to vested interests, he left the oil companies off his list. But Palin didn't leave them off her list. And that has been her biggest coup.

I would say from what we've seen in Alaska, Palin is honest, serious about doing what's right, takes on anyone who she thinks is wrong. And she took on the big oil companies and so far she's won. But the Monehan firing also reveals some lack of experience and lack of sense of the protocol. The video is the first few minutes of this morning's speech.

For another video of Palin, see her introducing a several day workshop for legislators and the public on AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act).

There will be lots of contradictions in this race. The McCain folks have been blasting Obama for lack of experience. It isn't just about being governor for 18 months, it's also her exposure to different ideas and different people. She spent time outside of Alaska when she went to the University of Idaho. Other than that, I suspect she's spent more time outside of Alaska as Governor than she did since she moved to Alaska as an infant. I don't that she's been outside the US besides Canada. These gaps should cause concern. But who knows what the glamor and the media can do?


  1. She may have messed up with Monegan, but she won't do it again. History will not repeat itself with Sarah where she does the same stupid things over and over again.

  2. Admittedly and shamefacedly, I'm like many non-Alaskans, fairly oblivious to other States' progress, woes, and politics. But my question is Steve, if you have such a strong surplus, does Palin's (I take it you are saying she supports this?) "giving away $1400 to Alaskans" to pay their energy bills, deny at the same time her commitment to invest in long term energy research and production? There are always choices to be made and in these serious recessionary times that hurt each of us so badly, maybe that's not a bad idea after all. Frankly, I rather like the idea, if Alaska is rich enough and has been wise enough to manage not to squander its natural and fiscal resources. Why not give Palin the time to be vetted fairly and fully as she surely will be, in the court of public opinion? Why not give all women and us feminists time to flesh out her quals, as we search for some national affirmation somewhere that it is past due, not just "time" in this nation of so-called "equal rights," for strong women of quality and ability with firm ideals and vision, to take a turn at leading this nation? It may or may not be Palin, but I for one, am willing to give her a listen.
    Ann Grogan (San Francisco)

  3. Ann, Thanks for your questions. I think I've been pretty even handed in my posts on Palin, some would say overly supportive. If I mention some negatives along with the positives is that unreasonable?

    How will you 'flesh out her quals' if people only write about what she did that was good.

    There are plenty of people who support the $1200 rebate we all get next month:
    a. Those who just want the money
    b. Those who believe that 'the people' can use the money more wisely than the government (big overlap between a and b)
    c. Those who know that rural Alaskans - particularly those off the road system - will be hurting bad this winter. (I think the $1200 will not be enough for them, but is way too much for well off urban Alaskans, a number of whom will spend the coldest months South in warmer climes.)

    I'm just mentioning it and my take on it. But politically, hey, giving away money to everyone can never hurt you as a politician. When I asked my representative why she voted in favor of the bill which she had very strong reservations about, she acknowledged that the effect on voters in November played a role.

    I'd call myself a feminist too, and I think Palin's got a lot of great qualities. So does my adult daughter, but I don't think she's ready for VP. But, who knows? She could grow into this. My basic gut reaction is much more skeptical than what I've posted. And the readers of this blog who know me will tell you that I'm very understated.

    Her speech was right on the mark today and everyone should be excited. But yes, you've got a lot of homework to do. But no need to be shamefaced that you aren't up on the minutia of Alaskan politics. You can't know everything.

    And about that surplus. Oil is a finite resource. When it is gone, it's gone. Our generation needs to conserve the wealth for the future. (And partly we do this with our Permanent Fund which also gives us dividends each year - about $2000 per Alaskan this year. And this was begun way before Palin became governor.) We've had bumper stickers that said, "Lord, give us one more boom and we promise not to piss it away again." Well, we got that one more boom, and while we have made some long term investments, we still have villages that use honey buckets (no toilets, no sewer systems) and have no running water in our state. I could go on and on about needs that can only be met with collective, not individual spending.

    Our legislature was like the guy who wins the lottery and is giving all his relatives SUVs thinking he has all the money in the world. We're going to wake up from this hangover soon and start pulling those old bumper stickers out again.

  4. Listening to Palin's acceptance speech gave me the chills. She claims we live in a dangerous world!! Its exactly this kind of attitude that leads to paranoia, xenophobia and isolationalism. The US needs to integrate into the world community, not isolate itself. We don't need to be seen as a bunch of racist people, as the American's are already projected--we are racist, we are fat and we hate Muslims. Obama will give a breath of fresh air and improve our world image and reputation. But Palin?? And she wants to overturn "Roe vs Wade"!!! Ok, sure, lets put even more work into working backwards and undoing history than focusing on making progress. Lets put more money into drilling and getting oil rather than looking for LONG-TERM solutions, rather than short she for real? And she's proud that her son is going to Iraq? What kind of messed up parent would be proud that their kid is Iraq?? In a war?? I'd be proud of my son/daughter were at home doing things for the community, studying, learning not playing with guns and supporting outdated Bush policies!!!

  5. As an Alaskan, it's really exciting to see our governor on the national stage. I'm not so high on her speech, though. She spoke with great poise, but not much substance. She should have known that pundits would jump on her perceived inexperience, and I think should have said something in her speech about why she is ready to be VP, and what makes her better than Obama/Biden. Instead she spent most of the speech introducing her family, recapping her career, and praising McCain. The only policies she alluded to were cutting taxes and reform. I suppose as a newcomer she has to introduce herself and exudes that "one of us" personable connection, but will that be enough for VP?


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