
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Catching up while Doug's Bear Watching

The Denali bears were mostly off in the distance. The closest he got was after the discovery hike. He got on a bus back to the campground and was told by the other passengers that they'd just, minutes ago, had three bears walking around the bus. They showed him the pictures. Since this is probably his first and last trip to Alaska, he's booked a one day flight to Brooks Lodge in Katmai National Park.

Meanwhile I have the European education students coming over for lunch. So this is a quick post. I asked in a previous post about businesses with political signs. Double Musky has a big Ted Stevens sign, but then we all know from reading the newspaper that the owner is a close friend of Ted. We took advantage of our 40 minute wait to go over to the Prince Hotel and look around. The Lion's Club has a Welcome Back Uncle Ted sign. Girdwood is Ted country. (Couldn't get pictures, sorry.)

It's hard to take a non-flash picture inside the Double Musky. (Though this one came out better than the outside picture. The camera's looking at the ceiling if that isn't clear.)

And on the last stretch home we had to wait for construction on the Seward Highway south of McHugh. Although the sign said 20 minute wait, it was closer to 40. I counted 73 southbound cars waiting for us when we finally got to go (I wasn't driving.) At least got Doug some near-the-road dall sheep.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that I never avoid a company that supports someone who I do not support. I think it is insulting to our American Way. Politics should be fun, not hateful. If there were two places that sat near each other with opposing candidates and I knew both of the proprietors equally well and liked them, I would be in a world of confusion. If you were in the vicinity and we agreed on the same person, I would probably ask you and J. to join me and we'd work on the one who supported the candidate we didn't like and enlighten them.


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