
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What's the Largest US National Park?- Post 4: Camping with 5 Kids and their Parents

We met this family on a camping trip two years ago. We got to like each of the kids.(Well, only four of them were on that trip.) When our own second kid came we quickly understood that 1 + 1 equals more than 2. But five? Actually, they have the tent raising and lowering routine down. They do know how to push each others' buttons, but they also clearly love each other and are comfortable together.

I hope the pictures and video can convey a little. Top is waiting for the fireworks, with J in the picture too. This was about 11:30 pm.

There was a fair amount of reading by some of the kids.

And occasionally the parents had a moment together.

It was really clear how expensive a big family can be. It was $5 one way per person in the van from McCarthy to Kennecott. That's $35 for a 4.5 mile ride. (We walked back.) Then the mill tour was $25 a head, $10 for under 12. Two kids got to go with Dad and me. The others got to eat lunch at the lodge. (Most meals are home cooked for obvious reasons.) Here are the lucky two that went on the tour. They were mighty jealous when they found out the others got to eat lunch out. Also, I understand that there is a free ranger tour, but it was several hours later.

On the way to McCarthy we stopped to wash up at this crystal clear creek with water that woke you up much better than caffeine.

Here's S practicing flying.

This was the first morning at the Chitina campground. The wind was down, the air temperature was comfortable, and almost no mosquitoes. The video below shows the kids around the campfire.

Dad got to sleep too.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family, Steve! I am glad that you got to know them! I know how it is multiplying each event-- be it 7 or 11 people, the most simple thing is crazy expensive. (We spent $65 on hot dogs + drinks in Anchorage one day last summer!)

    You seem like someone who can captivate people with your stories-- I can only imagine how fascinated they all were with your stories and added information on things!


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