
Friday, September 14, 2007

Kott Trial Day 8- Veco Paid for Stevens Girdwood House Contractors

In this morning's testimony, former Veco CEO testified that he paid for Veco employees to work on Stevens Girdwood house for about a couple of months.

I had my laptop in the court today and here is my rough transcript of that exchange:

Q: One allegation, you helped Sen. Ted Stevens remodel his Girdwood house. You and Veco paid a number of bills for remodeling that house. Isn’t that correct?
A: You know, if you say material. I gave Ted some old furniture, but I don’t think a lot of material, some labor.
Q: So you paid some labor bills for Stevens house.
A: Yes.
Q: For contractors working on the house?
A: For Veco Employees?
Q: How many involved?
A: I don’t know, I didn’t see it ...I had to run Veco. Probably 1-4?
Q: For how long? Weeks or Months?
A: Probably a couple of months?
Q: In addition to supplying Veco employees working, did you supply any other assistance?
A: I told you about old furniture. That’s all I can, you know, remember. Uh...I hadn’t, I went by maybe a month or two, to see what they were doing. Most I was gone.
Q: You would go by every month or two to check?
A: yes.
Q: How long to complete from beginning to end? 6 months, a year?
A: I don’t know. Probably, maybe as much as six months.
Q: We’ve already talked about payments to Ben Stevens - as much as $200,000?
A: Can’t count time before he was in the senate. How long was he in the Senate?
Q: Do you know?
A: .....4 years.
Q: During that time did you pay him $200,000?\
A: $4000 a month.

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