
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Denali Trip 2

We started with a hike along Savage River, enjoying the sun and blue sky. It was windy.

Soon we were near the Dall sheep that hang around there. On Friday, we looked into the new (our first time inside was last year) visitor center and caught their version of the Dall sheep. Taxidermy is out, the animals in here are sculpted.

We went on beyond the footbridge that loops back to the road and found a nice spot in the tundra to sit and enjoy the sun and scenery. We sat across from this ice patch (don't think it would qualify as a glacier) and relaxed and talked.

Eventually we made it back to the car and drove slowly along, stopping now and again to walk out into the tundra and to look at animals. As always at this time, caribou are plentiful and some are fairly close to the road.

The Alaska state bird, the ptarmigan, is plentiful in the park as they change from winter to summer plumage. This is a willow ptarmigan.

And arctic hare were regularly playing chicken, dashing in front of the car at the last possible moment.

Sanctuary campground was open (but not for overnight yet) so we pulled in, heated up the cashew chicken we had from the Thai Kitchen, read, slept, and generally enjoyed the sun and peace and quiet. Then the slow drive back to the Riley Campgrounds near the entrance. And to bed about 11pm.