
Monday, February 05, 2007

Tim Young Memorial

My daughter was in town for the weekend to attend the memorial for Tim Young, one of her teachers at Steller Secondary School here in Anchorage. I went with her. I knew him, but not well. The principal of the school read a poem he'd written about Tim, about how he was wise and foolish, pushing the edge, unreasonable and remarkable, etc. It ended, "I hired him, I fired him, I
admired him." Andrea, in the video, read a message that Chris had sent.

Various former students said that they are living lives today, because of what Tim taught them about life. Several said that when they talk to friends Outside (of Alaska) about Tim and what they learned in class, the reaction is, "You learned about that in high school?!" Monica said, when I talk to people they sometimes say, "How do you know all those different things?" and she realized that she learned them in Tim's classes. From labor organizing to Hindu philosophy. She said she was surprised when she visited Carenegie Mellon University to find out how much money Carnegie had donated. "Tim only told us how he exploited his workers and how ruthless a capitalist he was. But he also said, that I'm telling you things you won't hear other places. You can fill in the other details yourselves." Charles, a close friend since high school, talked about Tim's illness and a little about his life and death in India.

For more click here or here.

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