
Friday, February 02, 2007

Pamyua at Bear Tooth

Late night Thursday dancing. Not our normal routine, but I'd won the tickets last week, and I first saw Pamyua ten or more years at the Native Students Services - where they performed. Then they were two brothers, Stephen and Philip Blanchett, Yupik-African/Americans who were singing traditional Yupik songs with an African-American something. Now they are four plus folks, including a singer from Greenland and they've won the Record of the Year at the 2003 Native American Music Awards and performed at the Grammy Awards. Tonight they played for the home crowd.

This was just a teaser. You can see more video linked at their website.
Even though we were carded as we came in, we were clearly in the oldest 1% of this crowd and it was nice we had Sunny and Lisa there as our link to the mostly 20s and 30s crowd. I got a couple of pictures and video before everyone moved down to the dance area. It was a mellow group, lots of single women and single men. I like the Anchorage scene - no pretention, no one terribly preoccupied with how they looked, just having a good time. The dance floor filled up quickly and the four of us were also up and moving to the music.

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