
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

[I tried posting this last night and something was wrong. Then the electricity went out. After it came back on the internet didn't work anymore. But I saved it all in word and it seems to work. And my mom did email that the card and email arrived on time. But the time zones are just too far apart. She wasn't home when I called, then we went rafting and had no satellite connection.]

Today's my Mom's birthday. She's 85 years old today and I'm thousands of miles away in Thailand. But she still is working in the same doctor's office (well, the original doctor is long departed, but his partner is still practicing) she's been working in since 1948! We visited before we left for Thailand and we'll stop by again on our way home. Happy Birthday Mom. Here are some pictures of our ride to Umphang.

Mook, who drove us to Maesod, gets a cold latte drink at a stand at the gas station.

Somprasong's wife trying on a Meo skirt in a shop on the way.

Some international volunteers. A Dutch woman, Somprasong, a man from London, and a Canadian we met while stopping for lunch.

Refugee camp, UN I believe. I was told there are 25,000 people here, refugess from Burma

This is the house of the Karen twins in the Umphang Dinner Post.

Somprasong's pickup on the road to Umphang.

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