
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Archive dates

My archives were all messed up - 2007 was 2006, February was January, etc. So I checked in Blogger help and others had the same problem. Astroguy wrote:

I found it was a date setting problem. We went into daylight saving
and I didn't change the timezone setting in the dashboard. When I
changed it from +8GMT to +9GMT everything started working properly. I
think it was a conflict between my PCs time settings and bloggers.

So I went into my settings and moved from Alaska time to Pacific Coast Time.

Bingo, the archives are working right. But now I want to see what time it says this post is. I'll check, and then edit in the answer about whether I'm still on Alaska time.

Back from checking. My post time is now an hour off. What if I change it back? Will the archives still work? Let's see. Be right back.

Back once more. When I changed it back to Alaska time, the archive dates were screwed up again. So now I'm in Pacific Coast time. All my post times are an hour ahead. I guess that is less important than the archives being screwed up.

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